Who? ?Everyone who cares about
animals! Team up with family, friends, or co-workers and join the hilarious WOKQ Morning Waking Crew at the event. Dogs with vaccinations current and up-to-date rabies tags are welcome to walk on leashes 6' in length or shorter. Please plan on participating even if you don't have a dog. Collect pledges and come to the walk wearing a picture of your favorite pet. Please leave cats, small animals and female dogs in heat safely at home.
What? When? Collect pledges up
until the walk and come celebrate on Sunday, June 8, rain or shine. . To be eligible for prizes, pledges must be turned in between 9 - 11:30am on June 6, 2004. Registration will begin at 10am with the Fun Dog Show beginning at 11am. Agility and other pet demonstrations will be ongoing. There will be 5-minute dog massages, doggie cool-off pools, individual blessings for the animals, pet supply vendors, food and treats for people and pets and much more. A Blessing of the Animals will kick off the pledge
Where? Strafford County Courthouse
in Dover. Take Spaulding Turnpike, Rte. 16, to Exit 9, Sixth Street. Turn left at the end of the ramp and follow to end. Turn right at Liberty Mutual. Take your first left on to County Farm Road. Follow to end. Turn right into the parking lot.
How long is the walk? The length of the walk is ¾ mile, so be sure to ask sponsors to sponsor you for the entire walk, not per mile. We walk together along the Cathy Schiro O'Brien Cross Country Trail located beside the Riverside Rest Home. The walk follows a well-kept, shaded trail with two rest stops and doggie water stops all along the pretty Cocheco River.
How many team members? All teams
of two or more people are welcome.. Local schools, businesses and organizations are needed to make this event a SENSATIONAL success for the animals! Please let us know about your team by faxing the TEAM SIGN-UP form in this packet.
How much should we collect? The sky's the limit! If your team turns in the most pledges, everyone will know about it as your picture will be proudly posted on www.cvhsonline.org, right alongside the photos of the animals you help! You'll be in all the local papers, too! So set a goal (see Team Challenge in this packet). The walk is not a multi-mile event, so ask your sponsors to contribute for the entire walk, not per mile. The top adult and youth teams will receive not only the notoriety of being the top team, but also receive super prizes and will have their team's name forever engraved on the Walk-A-Doggie-Thon Team plaque.
Do I have to have a dog? You
don't have to have a dog or even a pet to help or to walk. The walk benefits
all types of animals at the shelter. Dogs with 6' or less leash are welcome
to walk. Bring current rabies certificate and tags. Please leave cats,
small animals and females in heat, safe at home, but remember to weat their
picture when you collect pledges and as you walk!
When do we turn in our pledges? Sunday, June 6 at 9:00am. To be eligible for prizes, pledges must be turned in no later than 11:30am. If you can't make it, but still want to help, bring pledges or send checks collected by May 28, 2004 to CVHS. Of course, pledges will gladly be accepted even after the walk, but will not count toward prize eligibility.
What should we bring with us?
Pledge forms with pledges collected and your team spirit! Please complete the team registration form in this packet and bring it with you on walk day.
Should team members register individually?
? Yes, you can still walk with a team and be eligible for the prizes that will be awarded to the top three individual pledge collectors.