262 County Farm Rd. Dover NH 03820  603-749-5322  www.cvhsonline.org  Volume 5  December 2003

Don't Forget Your Loved Ones This Winter!

Animals who spend a lot of time outside during the winter need to be provided with dry, warm shelter from the cold, damp weather. The proper size house will allow your dog to keep warm with her/his own body heat. The door should be big enough to slip through, and the inside should allow the dog just enough room to stand up, turn around and curl up to one side of the opening. The house should be built 2-3" off the ground, with the door sheltered from the wind.

The doghouse should be kept dry inside; newspaper, hay, and cedar chips make good bedding materials. Keep an eye out for fleas; they can thrive during winter in bedding warmed by your dog's body.

Keeping warm burns calories, so pets that are outdoors a lot in the winter may need more food for extra energy. Cold food may cause diarrhea or vomiting; room temperature is best.

Animals with long hair should be brushed frequently to prevent moisture from collecting under the coat and to keep the skin from becoming dry. If you discover that your pet is cold and wet, immediately rub the animal briskly with a dry towel

A serious problem for pets in the winter is danger of antifreeze poisoning. The green fluid, which smells and tastes sweet, is deadly toxic to animals and children alike. Just a teaspoon or two lapped up by your pet may be lethal.

So be sure to properly dispose of all antifreeze. Symptoms of poisoning include staggering, dizziness, vomiting, lethargy and kidney failure. If you suspect that your pet has ingested antifreeze, check with your veterinarian immediately. Early diagnosis and extensive treatment are needed if the pet is to survive.

Pets who walk on sidewalks that have been "de-iced" are prone to dry, chapped, and potentially painful paws. This will encourage the pet to lick their paws, and ingestion may cause gastrointestinal irritation and upset. Wash off your pet's feet after an outing with a warm wet cloth or footbath.

If your car's motor is purring and you haven't started your

engine, you may want to check under the
hood. Many cats seek refuge from the cold by resting in the warm engine area of cars. Extreme injuries can result from the cat becoming entangled in belts, pulleys, or fans when the car is started.

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding keeping your pets warm, happy and safe this winter, please call the shelter at 603-749-5322 or e-mail our Animal Care Manager [email protected].

From our friends & family to yours, the staff of CVHS wishes you a

Happy, Healthy and Safe Holiday Season!!!

As an ongoing feature of our new monthly volunteer newsletter we are going to -include a Volunteer of the Month. This section will tell everyone a little bit about a certain volunteer that has


shown exemplary support and dedication above & beyond the call of duty.

Teresa Crouch selling tickets at Bingo

We had several nominations for this month's Volunteer of the Month. Congratulations Teresa Crouch!

Teresa Crouch has been a CVHS volunteer since January of 2001 and resides close by in Somersworth. This years Annual Volunteer Banquet coming up in April of 2004, will bring Teresa Crouch her 500 hour gold pin!

According to volunteer and CVHS board member Laura Bastianelli, Teresa is a regular volunteer and has been for as long as she can remember. Teresa comes in every week, never failing show up with a smile and is always ready to work. Teresa will happily fill any position at Bingo that may need help on any given Saturday.

Our Bingo volunteers often do not get the recognition that they deserve even though what they do is equally as important as the volunteers that directly care for the animals.

The Saturday night Bingo is responsible for a large share of the CVHS budget and support.

Not to mention it's a great way to spend a Saturday night!

We would love to see YOU there! To become a Bingo volunteer or to just go and have some fun join the CVHS gang every Saturday night at the Tri-City Bingo Hall every Saturday night on High St. in Somersworth.

From Our President...

Hello Everyone,

I sincerely hope this finds everyone healthy, in good spirits, enjoying the winter and the Holiday Season. To the volunteers, the donors & contributors, the staff and the board. I want to express my profound thanks and gratitude for all the effort and good things that you have made happen at CVHS this past year.

We had a very successful Creature Comforts event at the Governors Inn in February; it seems to grow
and improve each year. Everyone left with a delicious taste in their mouth, and a feeling of having done something truly worthy for the animals of CVHS.

Our volunteer appreciation banquet at the Holy Trinity Church in Somersworth was well attended by our staff and many volunteers who have truly worked hard throughout the year. The event was a welcome, fitting and worthy one to recognize and reward our many committed volunteers for all that they do; they certainly deserve it.

Our next important event was the Walk-A-Doggie-Thon held on the grounds of the Strafford County Courthouse. This event, our Premiere effort of the year far surpassed our expectations. It was a prime example of th

superb teamwork we see time and time again by the CVHS staff, volunteers, donors, sponsors and supporters working together to make better the lives of the CVHS animals.

In August brought yet another successful joint effort event with the Seacoast HOGS chapter Annual Poker run as well over 150 motorcycles roared into the parking lot of the Courthouse to show their support.

In November we held our Annual Crafters for Critters fair at the Holy Trinity Church which thanks to the organizational skills of volunteers like Angela Elliott or the delicious pies from Deborah Limoges, or the hours of time given by many other wonderful volunteers assisting at the tables was well attended by crafters, volunteers, staff and board members and of course the public.

As the year, 2003, moves to a close we can reflect back on the obstacles such as the construction of the new jail, shortage of funds and staff, as well as future issues of relocation, a new facility, maintenance of our present facility, and know that we are truly survivors.

Every member of our volunteer program deserves a pat on the back for his or her efforts. Personally I cannot find the words to thank you all enough. It is through your commitment and dedication that our animals remain healthy and happy; that they continue to find new and loving homes to live out their lives.

Congratulations volunteers on a job well done, keep up the good work. Happy Holidays to you and yours, God Bless.

-Herm Stolzenberg
CVHS Board President